iconKey Available Features for Buyers


RFQ and B2C Buying experience; with automated PO, Notifications & Approval Flow


Real Time Response for Pricing (Spot Buy), Product Availability Checking & Delivery Date Request (*)


Suppliers Price Offer Comparison: Net Price Model
(taking into account e.g. Incoterm & payment term costs, tax/duties)


Purchasing Volume Allocation to Multi Suppliers


End to End Term Contract Process
(with e.g. Formula Pricing, Negotiation, Rebate, Order Placement and Settlement)


Sourcing Strategy: Contract vs Spot Analysis


Supplier Offer Comparison: Total Cost of Ownership Modelling


Procurement Optimisation
(e.g. when to buy, what quantity to buy)


Integration to Popular ERP systems (e.g. SAP)


Visibility to Supply Chain and Payment Status & Eco-system Collaboration


Technical Service & Customer Service
(e.g. when to buy, what quantity to buy)


Dashboards & Advanced Analytics

iconHow It Works

If suppliers are not already on platform


Invite Suppliers to Platform, OR


Trigger RFQ to suppliers

If supplier’s already on Platform

Spot Deal


Select Product/Suppliers (from Platform Product Listing or from Buyer’s Frequently Purchased Product Lists)


Trigger Dynamic Price Query or RFQ


Get Suppliers Response (price, terms, etc)


Compare Suppliers Response and Conduct Analysis


Conclude Deal and Generate PO


Trigger Payment Process


Order Online


Track Order Status

Term Contract


Send RFQ Invitation


Receive Response, Analyse and Negotiate Deals


Conclude Deal


Execute Deal (e.g. Pricing, Order, Payment) and Track Status


Settle Contract (e.g. formula price adjustments, rebate)

iconBuyers Registration Procedure

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